ABC is an established and thriving Christian community serving Altrincham and South Manchester. In essence we are solely funded by members of our church family because we love what the church is doing and because we recognise that following Jesus with every part of our lives means our money as well.
We don’t give because we have to, there are no rules here, but because we want to. Our church vision shows that we are all-in with God and his mission of love and restoration for the world. Giving helps to enable ABC to play its part in what God is doing. Just like committing to go to the gym to get fitter, giving enables a healthy Christian life.
People often wonder how much should I give? In general terms Christians have often seen 10% (a tithe) of what they take home as baseline for giving. It’s a bit of a blunt tool, but a good starting point. What Jesus teaches about giving is actually generous-heartedness and a sharing of resources, as all we have is not really ours but belongs to God.
How can you give?
There are a number of ways to do so:
Regular standing order – Give regularly (e.g. monthly) via a standing order from your bank account.
Click here for a Regular Standing Order Form.
Service offerings - our Sunday services include an offering as part of our worship to God. You can give with cash or by cheque (payable to Altrincham Baptist Church). Weekly giving envelopes are also available if you would like to use these.
Give Online - Our website supports on-line giving click here to go to the giving page
Lump sum gifts – you can make one off donations by cheque or bank transfer.
Charity schemes - Regular or one-off payments through charity giving schemes such as Stewardship or CAF.
Tax efficient giving
If you pay UK tax (Income tax or Capital Gains tax) we are able to claim back on your behalf the basic rate of tax paid. So as an example, for every £100 you give we can increase this to £125 at no cost to you. It’s how the vast majority of regular Christian givers who pay tax, choose to give. If you would like us to be able to do this you will need to fill in, sign and return to us an ongoing Gift Aid Declaration Form. If you pay higher rate tax, you may recover this through your own tax return.