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Women's Group

Womens Groups
There are three Women's Groups.
They all meet fortnightly, two in the evenings and one during the day. You would be very welcome to join one of these groups.

The groups are growing strong friendships and all pray together for each other. Some groups study the Bible or follow study on YouTube such as Pete Greig’s series on prayer,  or use a study guide, for example, “Ten Women in the Bible”.

One group loves sharing meals together, where everyone brings a food or drink contribution and others are invited including friends, partners and children. Sometimes the group go out together to a restaurant.

There are also bring and share Women's Breakfasts, hosted in someone's home, for all women of any age to meet together eat and natter. These usually take place on a Saturday morning. You are warmly invited to join us.

For more information please fill out our connection form stating you are interested in Women’s Groups and someone will be in touch.